07 April 2007

The Most basic Fitness Guide You Must Know

Want to get more fit than before?

Here some tips and gudes i wrote for you. These guides worked it's wondr on me earlier. Now, its your turn to try it. Lets begin...

First, Your Foods and Drinks

Eat primarily organic food. The long-term health effects of most food additives have not been fully researched. Most processed food contains preservatives, which limit nutrient uptake. Organic food is free of man-made additives.

Drink very sufficient water every day. Health experts recommend ½ to 1 gallon. Water is used to help the body eliminate the metabolic wastes associated with training thereby facilitating faster, more efficient recuperation and growth. Also, lack of sufficient water consumption during training has been shown to negatively impact physical performance, which reduces the ability to produce muscular overload.

Eat 6 meals a day evenly spaced. The body is more efficient at processing a small amount of food at once compared to fewer, larger meals. Insulin is regulated more effectively, which controls other processes in the body to aid in eliminating body fat and gaining muscle.

Eat no sooner than 1 hour before training and 1 hour before sleep. In doing so, food is digested and utilized more effectively.

Each meal should consist of fiber, low glycemic index complex carbs, protein, essential fats, and vegetables. This is the optimal formula for regulating the hormonal processes in the body to achieve muscle growth and body fat reduction.

Eat fruit with post workout meal. Simple sugars such as those from fruit are utilized most effectively following a workout.

Vary sources of protein, carbs, essential fats, vitamins and minerals. This reduces the risk of micronutrient deficiencies. Increases the chance of supplying nutrients that have not yet been identified by science.

Consume essential fats daily. Essential fats are crucial for maintaining an anabolic state and reducing body fat.

Eat sufficient fiber every day. Fiber shuttles bad fats and cholesterol out of the body. It also enables better digestion and utilization of protein.

The Use of garlic in foods is higly recommended. The constituents of garlic promote the immune system and contain raw materials for anabolic hormones.

Limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a calorie dense, nutrient sparse product and is easily stored as fat. The body has to expend extra energy processing alcohol that could be used by other processes to aid in bodybuilding. It is potentially damaging to the liver and the brain. Alcohol consumption depletes the body of B vitamins and produces free radicals. Do not drink and drive.

Second, Your Strength Training

Train slowly with excellent form and making certain to feel the target muscle work. It is very important to train slowly, making certain that the target muscle is doing the work. Avoid jerking or swinging the weight as this is very inefficient and could produce injury.

Warm up thoroughly before your workout. maybe you can budget an hour, 30 minutes or depends on your choice. This gets the blood moving throughout the body so the body isn’t as "cold and stiff" which means you will be less prone to injury and lifting will be more efficient.

Warm up the target muscle group with some light sets before going heavy. This prepares the muscle for going heavy by filling the muscle with blood. Makes you less prone to injury. You can, injury can happen at any time, any where, suddenly.

Stretch lightly between every set. Stretching mobilizes the waste products of exercise and aids in recuperation.

Stretch after waking and before going to sleep. Being flexible reduces the risk of injury and makes you feel better. Stretching also activates the lymphatic system, which removes body toxins and aids in full recuperation.

Strengthen abs and lower back. Stretch pelvic and hamstring areas. Reduces possibility for injury. Results in a smaller, tighter waist.

Third, Your Sleep and Stress

A nap a day. This is one of those extra things that can go a long way in helping you achieve your physique goals.

Have uninterrupted sleep. When sleep is continuous restfulness and recuperation are much better.

Have a consistent sleep schedule. Research has shown that when your sleep schedule is consistent you are much better rested; therefore your recuperation from training is maximized.

Eliminate stress and worry. Stress is highly catabolic.

Another additional tips :

Visualize body building goals in the morning, evening, and during your workout. This helps to stay focused and motivated.

Shower after workout. To remove toxins from skin produced during workout.

Do not breathe cigarette smoke. Massive free radical damage results.

Get some sun daily. 15 minutes of sun is all that is required for optimal Vitamin D production.

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Defition Of Men's Fitness

What Fitness really means?

1. The state or condition of being fit, suitability or in appropriate level.
2. Good health or physical condition, especially as the result of exercise and proper nutrition.
3. Biology The extent to which an organism is adapted to or able to produce offspring in a particular environment.

Other than that, these also the definitions of fitness :

* the condition of being suitable; "they had to prove their fitness for the position"
* good physical condition; being in shape or in condition
* seaworthiness: fitness to traverse the seas..wow, can i reaaly swim that much?
* the quality of being qualified

* Fitness (often denoted in population genetics models) is a central concept in evolutionary theory. It describes the capability of an individual of certain genotype to reproduce, and usually is equal to the proportion of the individual's genes in all the genes of the next generation. If differences in individual genotypes affect fitness, then the frequencies of the genotypes will change over generations; the genotypes with higher fitness become more common.

* In optimisation techniques an objective measure is how good the solutions it finds are. Eg a way of building a bridge across the M4 will cost 400,000. In genetic algorithms and genetic programming, by analogy with natural selection this is called fitness. Fitness is used to guide the search by deciding which individuals will be used as future points to look for better solutions.

* The relative ability of an individual (or population) to survive and reproduce in a given environment. The 'fit' of an organism to its environment.

* The reproductive success of individuals of a particular genotype relative to the most fit genotype.

* The genetic contribution of an individual to the next generation.

* The output of each experimental setup, ie the property you are using for optimizing the parameters.

The expected contribution of an allele, genotype, or phenotype to future generations. The fitness of genes and organisms is always relative to the other genes and organisms that are present in the same population. Usually it is measured as the average number of offspring produced by individuals with a certain genotype, relative to the number produced by other genotypes.

* the degree to which an organism is fitted, or adapted, to its environment and other organisms. Higher fitness means superior ability to survive and reproduce.

* An individual's contribution, relative to other individuals, to the breeding population in the next generation. Measures of an individual's reproductive success such as its survival, fertility, and age at reproduction, are typically used as indicators of fitness. The fitness of a group of individuals (eg, a population) may be defined as the group's ability to maintain itself in its environment. It is therefore a composite measure of individual reproductive success.

* The average reproductive output of a class of genetic variants in a gene pool.

* The ability to survive to reproductive age and produce viable offspring. Fitness also describes the frequency distribution of reproductive success for a population of sexually mature adults.

* A measure of an object's ability to reproduce viable offspring.

* A measure of relative reproductive success. The only natural trait selected by natural selection.

* The competition within a community of species, which determines the survival of individuals. Those that survive can reproduce and pass on their genes to the next generation.

* (1) The ability of an individual and its corresponding phenotype and genotype to contribute offspring to the next generation. (2) The number of offspring an individual produces, not just its ability to be selected.

* the measure of a species ability to survive and reproduce

* An organism’s probability of survival and reproduction. Fitness is generally measured in terms of the different genotypes for a given locus.

* The success of an entity in reproducing; hence, the average contribution of an allele or genotype to the next generation or to succeeding generations. Relative fitness is the average contribution of an allele or genotype compared with that of another allele or genotype.

* In evolutionary theory, an individual's reproductive success to a certain higher level..

* A quantitative measure of a DMT’s success relative to the goals of the simulation. One fundamental goal of the simulation was survival of the DMT, with the possibility of additional primary or secondary goals.

* The relative competitive ability of a given genotype conferred by morphological, physiological or behavioural characters, expressed and usually quantified as the average number of surviving progeny of one genotype compared with the average number of surviving progeny of competing genotypes.

* "The relative adaptiveness of an individual organism, measured ultimately by reproductive success."


See myfrined, there's so many definition adbout fitness. You need to understand this first to enabl eyourself train more to build muscles and body strength, especailly swmmers.

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About Me

Hai blog reader,

My name i Shueqry.

I am 26 years old and a swimmer. I start focus on swimming and fitnesss since 2003 and here, i will share my knowledge with you.